Deepthi joined ARRUS as soon as it opened in Doha, after working for several years alongside Velina at Makower Architects. She brings with her, both architectural design and urban planning experience and is a highly versatile team member. Her keen interest in urban analytics generates a deep and very useful knowledge of software and applications and she has become an indispensable expert in GIS, statistical and analytical software, BIM, as well as a range of illustrative tools. She is also a meticulous researcher and works with space syntax extensively and is particularly keen on the study of mega-event driven development.
Besides being a software wizard, Deepthi has a remarkable talent for urban design and for illustrating a vision in a captivating way. She is always a key team member to any project and often in a managerial role, supervising the daily tasks of others and coordinating the entire process, both internally and externally.
▪ MSc (Distinction)/ The Bartlett, UCL, London ▪ BArch / National Institute of Technology, Calicut, India
Professinal Affiliations:
▪ CoA / Council of Architecture ▪ LEED AP / US Green Building Council